The purpose of this joint statement is to express Trinity College’s enduring support for academic freedom, which, in its purest form, affirms the ability to search for truth and to express positions challenging the nature of that truth without fear of reprisal.

Trinity College adheres to principles of academic freedom expressed and given substance in the 1940 Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure. In order to promote public understanding of the meaning and importance of academic freedom, the Trustees, faculty, and administration of Trinity College reaffirm their commitment to academic freedom, which applies to anyone with a teaching or research appointment at the College, and extends to three main activities:

(a) The freedom to teach one’s subject and discuss material related to one’s subject, recognizing that teaching and learning are inseparable activities requiring reciprocal respect between teachers and learners;

(b) The freedom to explore all avenues of scholarship, research, and creative expression and to disseminate the results; and

(c) The freedom to speak or write as a citizen on any matter of public concern and on any matter related to professional duties and institutional governance, without restraint beyond that imposed by professional standards and ethics or by law.

Because it is established as a professional right distinct from First Amendment speech rights, academic freedom emerges from expertise: it is assessed with reference to the intellectual positions expressed within disciplinary fields and domains of knowledge.

This joint statement has been prepared and endorsed by the College’s Board of Trustees, President, and the Academic Freedom Committee.

Approved by Board of Trustees on February 13, 2025
Approved by Faculty on February 4, 2025